go home.


i get really sad about some of my childhood sites/games being changed or gone now

i used to go on all of these every day!!!! i still go on some of them

  • poptropica
  • webkinz
  • toontown
  • club penguin
  • pixie hollow online
  • pirates of the caribbean online
  • bella sara
  • ty girlz
  • fusion fall
  • neopets
  • wizards101
  • roblox
  • american girl
  • quotev
  • also, my first 2 video games were virtual families and world of warcraft.

    my first main in WoW was a night elf druid named Syllvaniah on the realm Draka. even tho it was a normal realm i would still rp in it a lot and hardly leveled up because of that, but i had a really amazing friend group for a long time on there as a child. it was a draenei death knight named Aelnau, a night elf druid named Snownight, and a night elf death knight named Keldar. they were my best friends for a while and i would log on every day to play with them :]

    my first pets were 2 dogs, Axel the weimaraner and Nicki the rottweiler, and a tortoiseshell cat named Ms. Piggy. i dont remember axel and nicki much aside from the fact that i would cover axel in grass all the time for some reason and nicki would lick herself a lot so we called her licki nicki. but ms piggy was my best friend my whole life, up until she passed away when i was 12. i slept with her every night up until then, even when she went blind and could barely walk i would play marco polo with her and bring her up to my bed when she got close

    this page is a WIP!!!!